Cruising originally crawled out of the shake and rumblings of the queer nightlife scene of Mexico City in early 2019 without a precise destination, wanting it all, especially pleasure. The itch was quickly scratched as we hosted amazing talent from all around such as Perfect Lovers (Por Detroit, CDMX), Gibranna (Pista Coletiva, BR), Dylan Reece (Double Scorpio, ATX), Maarquii (Rap, PDX), Sindri (Hot Dog, LA), Filoso (Queer Acid Punk, SD), Sir Joq (Vogue & Tone, SF/OAK), DJ Downey (Something, SF), Indy Nyles (Important Jogger, DTW) to name a few. For this very special NY edition, we have William Francis (Demons, NY), Fur Trap (Studio 5'4"/NYC), and International Resident DJ Miguelitooo whom you may have seen on a rooftop in CDMX, a slew of Burning Man Art Cars, many of the SOMA San Francisco watering holes and even in the Common Multiverse under the collective No Name / Sin Nombre Colectivo. We Have Such Sites To Show You. Now Come & Taste Our Pleasures…