Thursday, March 6 7pm EST
Stories of impudent actions, unruly rebels, bold uprisings and challenging the status quo.
In Person $25 | Watch from Home $20
Curated by Co-Producer: Olivia Owre-Bell
Theresa Handwerk
Uncommon Grounds: A free Black woman born to a formerly enslaved family, Elisabeth Samson fought the laws and mores of her day as well as persecution and exile.
Sarah Grant
Sotto Voce: When German opera fans Ida and Louise Cook learned that many of the musicians they adored were threatened by the Nazis, they launched a scheme that would steal the show...
Andrea Fondulas
The Dissenting Daughters of Suffrage: Through defiance, resistance, and unshakable conviction, these dissenting daughters challenged the nation’s founders and redefined the very meaning of citizenship.
Andres Camperi
Martin Luther: The man who started the Protestant Revolution is well known, but was it the Catholic church he was defying, or another powerful institution in his life?
Amanda Harris
Nancy Wake: Known as “la souris blanche”, Nancy Wake smuggled forged documents and people to safety from the invading Nazi army. But German gunfire forced her to flee, she found an even better way to help La Resistance...
Carolyn Wise
King of Spring: At the 1906 Athens Intercalated Games, Irish long jumper Peter O’Connor climbed a flagpole and made the first political protest by an athlete at an international event.